A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is designed to reduce frown lines and creases, and improve the appearance of a low or sagging brow, giving the patient an overall softer, and more pleasant look.
As we get older, brows tend to make the upper eyelids appear crowded by causing loose upper eyelid skin to sag over the eyes. The forehead often shows deepening creases in the middle and between the brows from years of repetitive facial expressions. These changes can make a person appear stern, angry, harsh, and/or weathered.
How is a Brow Lift Performed?
A browlift is performed usually under general anesthesia. The basic approach is to raise the skin of the forehead and brows off the underlying bone, and move them upwards so that the brows are brought up to a higher, more youthful location. This is usually done with what is called an endoscopic technique. An endoscope is a thin tubing containing fiber optic strands used to pass light into the operative site and view it through special video equipment. Several small incisions are made in the hair bearing scalp. Through these openings, an endoscope and surgical instruments are used to free the skin from the bone and visualize the work site deep under the skin. The skin is then fixed to the bone at a different level. The advantages of the endoscopic procedure are minimal scarring and the preservation of sensation in the scalp.
A coronal brow lift accomplishes the same objective by raising the forehead through a lengthy incision across the entire scalp (from ear to ear). This technique results in a long scar and numbness in the scalp, and is generally no longer used. However, if the patient’s forehead is exceptionally loose and sagging, this approach might be more effective. If an individual has a very high forehead hairline, combining the two types of procedures (incision and endoscopy) may produce the best results. Combining techniques takes advantage of the benefits of both approaches and minimizes the loss of scalp sensation.
Who is a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?
A healthy individual with sagging brows can take years off his or her appearance with a brow lift. This procedure is often combined with an upper eyelid operation, because sagging brows and excess eyelid tissue are frequently a coexisting issue. Only treating the eyelids, as opposed to correcting the eyelids and brows together, can result in an unnatural and odd look.
Recovering from a Brow Lift
Patients should expect the forehead and the eyelid areas to remain swollen for a few days with bruising occurring mainly around the eyes due to the effect of gravity. Keeping the head elevated helps keep swelling down. Hair may be washed after a couple of days. Most people may return to work in a week to 10 days. However, the visible signs of surgery may last for a couple of weeks or longer.
Complications are possible, but usually rare and minor after brow surgery. The ability to raise one or both eyebrows may be temporarily diminished. Long-term weakness is a possibility, but rare. Due to the nature of muscle activities, the brows are never exactly symmetrical, but appear natural. Scars are generally concealed within the hair.
Brow Lift Results
A brow lift helps smooth out forehead skin and helps the patient look more youthful and rested. A softer and overall more pleasant face is the goal of a brow lift.