Sculptra Aesthetic is an FDA-approved injectable that helps gradually replace lost collagen — an underlying cause of facial aging — for real, natural-looking results that last.
How it works
Sculptra Aesthetic is placed in the deepest layers of the skin using a thin needle in targeted facial areas. As a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) collagen stimulator, Sculptra Aesthetic works with your body within the deep dermis to help revitalize collagen production and help restore your skin’s inner structure and volume over time.
Good for
Diminishing shallow to deep facial wrinkles by helping to restore the deep, underlying structure of the skin. A full treatment of Sculptra Aesthetic, an average of three injection sessions over a few months, can last up to two years.
Recovery Time
Normal activities can be resumed immediately after treatment. Just like any injection, you may experience mild irritation, swelling, itching, redness, bruising, or tenderness at the injection site. These side effects typically resolve on their own.