A midface lift is a surgical procedure designed to correct the position of the soft tissue of the face in relation to the underlying skeleton.  Over time, the cheek area flattens and the creases next to the nose and mouth deepen. Additionally, the lower eyelids tend to pull down and become longer vertically. A dark trough may form just below the eyelid. Eventually, this trough cuts across the cheek, dividing the area into two unequal mounds instead of one smooth mound. As a result of these changes, the eyes and face appear older and more fatigued.

Returning the descended cheek back to its original position makes the cheek area fuller and makes the eyes appear softer and more youthful. The transition of the contour from the cheek to the lower eyelid becomes smooth. A facelift does not have as much effect on the middle of the face, so a facelift is often performed in conjunction with a midface lift. A midface lift is a powerful procedure that improves the appearance of both the cheek and the lower eyelid.

How is Midface Lift Performed?

A midface lift is performed under general or local anesthesia.  If combined with other procedures such as facelift, brow Iift, or upper blepharoplasty, general anesthesia is usually recommended.  During the procedure, you will be monitored by trained medical professionals who will ensure that you are comfortable and safe.  The time needed for the operation depends on what procedures are performed.

Since a lower eyelid operation (lower bIepharoplasty) is part of a midface lift, the procedure begins with an incision along the lower lash line.  Through this incision, Dr. Kim elevates the entire cheek area off of the cheekbone and repositions it to a higher level using deep sutures.  The amount and location of eyelid fat is adjusted, the eyelid muscle is tightened, and excess skin is removed.

Who is a Good Candidate for Midface Lift?

Individuals who are in good general health with sagging, flattened cheeks and irregular contour of the cheek/eyelid area are good candidates for a midface lift.  Most individuals considering a facelift have these changes and are usually also candidates for a midface lift. Therefore, the two are often performed in conjunction. Some younger individuals who are not quite ready for a facelift may have significant changes in the cheek and the lower eyelid area. These individuals benefit greatly from a midface lift, often delaying the need for a full facelift.

Recovering from a Midface Lift

As with any operation, there is a recovery period during which there may be some discomfort.  Immediately after a midface lift, the lower eyelid and cheek area will be bruised and swollen.  The bruising will take a couple of weeks to settle, while the swelling usually takes a bit longer to resolve. There is a great deal of variation between individuals. Scarring is minimal, largely hidden in the lash line, and will become very faint and inconspicuous over time.

As in any surgical procedure, cosmetic surgery may present some risks, and infection and hematoma (a collection of blood) may happen. Similar to lower eyelid surgery after effects, a temporary changing of the shape of the lower eyelids may occur. Permanent changes are possible but very rare.

Midface Lift Results

After a midface lift, the cheek area appears full and smooth. The irregular contour of the lower eyelid and the cheek area is corrected, making the face look brighter, softer, and more youthful.

Want to Know More About Midface Lift?

If you are interested in midface lift procedures and/or midface lift fees, contact our office by phone or email to receive more information or to schedule a consultation appointment.

Before and After


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