Fat Grafting in the face is a surgical procedure designed to add volume to an aging face.  In addition to sagging lax skin, there is a significant loss of volume in an aging face mainly in the form of fat loss.  This happens throughout the face, causing contour irregularities of depressions and sharp angles.  Specific examples include sunken temples, an exposed bony rim around the eyes, hollow eye sockets, flattened cheeks, depression around the mouth and loss of fullness of the lips.  These changes take away the fullness and softness of a youthful face.

Fat cells can be transferred from one part of the body to another.  However, it has to be done carefully in small pieces so that each piece of fat has the best chance of surviving the transfer.  Once the cells survive, they will behave as normal fat in feel and fullness.

Fat grafting is often combined with other facial procedures such as facelift, brow lift and eyelid procedures.  Indication will depend on the relative effect of the volume loss on a given face.  If it contributes significantly to the aged appearance, fat graft would help.  If its effect was minimal, other surgical procedures alone would suffice.  In a younger individual with an aged appearance, volume replacement alone might be the solution.

How is a Fat Graft Performed?

It is often done under anesthesia.  The areas that need fat (recipient sites) are marked as well as the areas for harvesting the fat (donor sites).  The fat cells are harvested manually with a low vacuum using a tube with small holes.  The small pieces of fat are separated from other liquids and loaded into small syringes with a tiny blunt needle for injection.  The fat is delivered to the recipient site by injection into multiple layers obtaining the desired contour.  It should be dispersed as evenly as possible and not allowed to lump.  No dressing is necessary.

Recovering from a Fat Graft

Patients can expect some swelling and bruising for a couple of weeks, but discomfort is minimal.  Head elevation and moderate activities are recommended during healing.  The injection sites leave no marks, and patients can use makeup as necessary while bruising is obvious.

Fat Graft Results

The face will show youthful softness and fullness. As a result of filling the skin, skin tone will be improved, and the skin will appear brighter. Some claim that it’s the stem cell effect of the fat graft on the skin, but this is yet to be proven scientifically.  The results may vary depending on the degree of fat graft survival.  Graft take depends on the donor fat quality, condition of the recipient area and the technique.  If desired, the procedure can be repeated to gain further improvement.  Patients may notice some contour improvements as well in the areas where the fat was taken, depending on the amount harvested.

Want to Know More About Fat graft?

If you are interested in fat graft procedures and/or fat graft fees, contact our office by phone or email to receive more information or to schedule a consultation appointment.

Before and After


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